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Please read the FAQs before submitting your message. Thanks.


Does Dr. Trina answer personal sex questions?

No. Unfortunately, it’s ineffectual for the recipient, and time consuming for me. It’s best to go to a professional counselor or therapist in your area or online. They have the tools and experience to give your situation a proper answer.

How much does Dr. Trina charge for public speaking?

If you have a group of women who are my demographic, are interested in buying my books, maybe buying my online programs, I’m happy to give a sex talk within your budget.

I do five free talks per year but will not pay for my flight or expenses.

Will Dr. Trina work for free in exchange for publicity/ platform?

Sorry, but that’s a hard no. I had to learn a hard lesson about giving away my work (myself) away for free.

What topics does Dr. Trina cover in media interviews and podcasts?

My area of expertise is an average woman in an average relationship: or heterosexual, monogamous, cis-females, in long term relationships. I speak about women’s sexual function and happiness. I do NOT speak on sexual dysfunction or unhappiness (like cheating).

Please email me at drtrina @ trinaread . com (There are no spaces in my email address–it is to stop the spammers.)

Your email will not be put on my email list. Nor will it be shared with any other company.

Great sex is only a click away.